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Quantum Algorithm Grand Challenge

Explore the power of quantum computing

News and updates

  • (2024/2/26) Update on the Quantum Algorithm Grand Challenge​

    • Added the qubit usage limit.

    • Prizes for the awards have been updated!!​

    • The paper detailing the Hamiltonian for QAGC2024 has been published on arXiv!

    • Added requirements.txt:

    • Added FAQ page to the QAGC website:

  • The QAGC 2024 has started! 

    • February 1, 2024, 0:00 (JST) - Start Date

    • June 30, 2024, 23:59 (JST) - Final Submission Deadline

  • The next QAGC will start on Feb 2024.

  • Jul 31, 2023 The QAGC for the year 2023 has concluded. The final scores for QAGC have been confirmed. We sincerely appreciate all those who participated.

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Welcome to the QAGC (Quantum Algorithm Grand Challenge)!  QAGC is a global online contest for students, researchers, and others who learn quantum computation and quantum chemistry around the world.

What is QAGC?

One effective way to promote science and engineering research is to give researchers and engineers a clear goal and help them come up with new ideas. QAGC offers a quantum algorithm platform that scores proposed algorithms based on the same criteria. By providing a standardized benchmark, we aim to inspire researchers worldwide to improve their algorithms through competition.

QAGC Slack workspace


As Quantum Computing technology evolves with qubit capacity regularly duplicating, we need to understand how to make better use of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices and create algorithms that will enable industrial applications. To identify how to shape the direction for promoting the NISQ algorithm for practical industrial application, it is important to clarify the evaluation criteria to compare the algorithm's performance and define the key factors to take into account.

Based on this situation, QAGC is aiming at

  • explore practical uses for NISQ devices.

  • visualize bottlenecks in NISQ device utilization.

  • create a metric for benchmarking the NISQ algorithms.

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