Tue, Sep 17, 2024
10:00-16:30 Eastern Time (EDT)
Quantum Algorithm Grand Challenge 2024: How to Make Better Use of NISQ Devices to Enable Algorithms for Practical Applications
Montreal, Canada
In this workshop, participants will gain an insight into the frontiers of applying Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) algorithms to practical problems by delving into the setup and evaluation process of the Quantum Algorithm Grand Challenge (QAGC), including presentations by the winners of the QAGC 2024.
As quantum computing technology advances and qubit capacities continue to increase, it becomes crucial to leverage NISQ devices effectively and to develop NISQ algorithms that facilitate practical applications. Quantum chemistry is among the most promising fields for quantum computing, with numerous NISQ algorithms already devised for this purpose. When considering the application of these algorithms, key questions arise: Among the many NISQ algorithms published, which ones are considered state-of-the-art? How do we determine if modifications to an algorithm improve its performance? And which algorithm best suits a particular company’s needs? To address these questions, we initiated the QAGC last year. This year’s QAGC, running from February to the end of June, challenges participants to tackle problems using a 28-qubit system. During the workshop, we will begin by outlining the motivations behind the QAGC and the methods used to assess algorithm performance in a 90-minute session, which will also cover the evolution of the QAGC since its inception. Subsequently, we will feature presentations from the top three winning teams, with each team leading a 30-minute discussion on their innovative algorithms. The workshop will conclude with a celebration of the winners, a dialogue on future directions for the QAGC, and final remarks. Throughout the event, we aim to foster a dynamic dialogue with the audience about the criteria for evaluating applications and the performance of underlying algorithms.
Target Audience
Our workshop welcomes a wide range of attendees interested in quantum computing, from students to seasoned researchers and developers in both academia and industry. It is better if participants possess a basic understanding of either computational chemistry or quantum computing. Attendees will gain valuable insights from QAGC participants on quantum computing strategies and will be encouraged to engage in discussions focusing on: (1) the current state of the art, its challenges, and possibilities, (2) innovative concepts for quantum chemistry applications, and (3) collaborative opportunities and the role of crowdsourcing in driving innovation.
Keywords — Algorithms, Applications, Quantum Chemistry, Performance, NISQ, Collaboration
Workshop Program
TUE, Sept 17
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Quantum Algorithm Grand Challenge Overview
In this session, we will see the objectives of the QAGC and its significance in driving advancements in quantum computing through competitive benchmarking.
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Challenge Setup
This session explores a problem posed in the Quantum Algorithm Grand Challenge (QAGC). We will explain how the orbital rotated Fermi-Hubbard model enables benchmarking algorithms using exact ground state energies, even in large systems like 28 qubits.
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Execution environment, noise, score calculation
In this session, we will focus on the technical aspects of the QAGC, this talk explains the execution environment, the impact of noise in quantum computing, and the methodology behind score calculation.
1:00 PM - 1:10 PM
Winner annoucment
1:10 PM - 1:30 PM
3rd Place
1:30 PM - 1:50 PM
2nd Place
1:50 PM - 2:10 PM
1st Place
2:40 PM - 3:10 PM
Panel Discusion
3:10PM - 3:40 PM
3:40 PM - 4:00 PM
Closing remarks